If you have any question about which toner to pick, you may want to go to a beauty supply store for professional advice, or consult a hairdresser.You cannot bleach your hair white: you have to tone it. But that works too, should of been more clear on that. I meant in real time, like how long does it take in the game to go from day to night in real time. For white hair, choose a toner that is specified for white. it use to be 15 hours of day and 9 of night, I find the adjustment to 14 and ten a good thing.If in doubt, take a look at a color wheel to see where you fall. In short, you want a toner that contains the color opposite to your undertones on the color wheel in order to neutralize. Blue toners balance orange, violet toners balance yellow, and blue-violet balance orange-yellow. Dark hair usually has red or orange undertones, so bleaching tends to turn it orange.Professional Hair Stylist Expert Interview. That's where toners come in: these colors help balance out undesired tones, adding subtle nuances to your hair color and helping you get just the blonde you want. X Research source Most of the time, this is not what we're after.

Bleaching removes the color from hair's pigment, and eventually what remains is a yellow tinge - this is the natural color of keratin, or the hair's protein. This is a crucial step for achieving a beautiful, balanced finish.